The first time I wrote and was encouraged by it, I was in fifth or maybe sixth grade. I can still vividly recall my teacher’s assignment: visualize a subject in our minds and put it into words. Snow was the topic I chose, and I described it in a simple yet unique manner. It was then that I discovered my love for writing, a love that brought me a profound sense of peace. However, life’s busyness and troubles prevented me from pursuing writing seriously at the time.

Nevertheless, during the quiet moments of my musical life, I would jot down words to remember. But everything changed in 2010, when my son was born. At his request, I transformed those whispered words and stories into a book, a lullaby for him. To my delight, it was published and received positive feedback. That moment marked the beginning of writing becoming an integral part of my life, alongside the tranquility that music brought me.

Since then, I have had the privilege of publishing various books across different genres.


Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-2197687400

Paperback, eBook: 134 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-2626921570

Paperback, eBook: 218 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches 

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2100947850

Paperback, eBook: 132 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: HUMANOID

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-2655098960

Paperback, eBook: 174 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches 

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: TAR MAKER

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2514809720

Paperback, eBook: 66 pages

Dimensions: 6.75 × 4.25 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2499445890

Paperback, eBook: 98 pages

Dimensions: 6.75 × 4.25 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: STUDIO NAVAZI 1 AND 2 استودیو نوازی

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: Farsi 

ISBN: 978-6227649178

Paperback, eBook: 102 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches  

Available:  Google, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2125745110

Paperback, eBook: 102 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches  

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: INSTATIC

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2047538890

Paperback, eBook: 80 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches 

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: HE IS ALIVE

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2991876680

Paperback, eBook: 66 pages

Dimensions: 6.75 × 4.25 inches  

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2005881860

Paperback, eBook: 156 pages

Dimensions: 6.75 × 4.25 inches 

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple 

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Book title: FFMI

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English 

ISBN: 978-2755262650

Paperback, eBook: 214 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: HICH هیچ

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: Farsi

ISBN: 978-2490773353

Paperback, eBook: 364 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Apple

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Book title: SETAR-E KOSH ستاره کُش  

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649161

Paperback, eBook: 88 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649116

Paperback, eBook: 32 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: HURRIED OWL

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649062

Paperback, eBook: 66 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649109

Paperback, eBook: 62 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: LUPI LUP LUP

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649123

Paperback, eBook: 46 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649086

Paperback, eBook: 56 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649093

Paperback, eBook: 40 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Book title: TITI’S TOOTH

Author: BeHnam KhodaRahmi

Language: English and Farsi

ISBN: 978-6227649130

Paperback, eBook: 54 pages

Dimensions: 6 × 9 inches

Available:  Google, Amazon, Apple

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Positive and negative effects of reading books

Reading books can have both positive and negative effects, depending on various factors such as the content of the books, the amount of time spent reading, and individual preferences and circumstances.

Positive Effects of Reading Books

Knowledge and Learning: Reading books is an excellent way to acquire knowledge on a wide range of topics. It can expand your understanding of the world and enhance your education.

Improved Vocabulary: Regular reading can help improve your vocabulary and language skills. Exposure to well-written texts can teach you new words and how to use them effectively.

Stress Reduction: Reading can be a form of relaxation and an escape from the stresses of everyday life. Engaging in a good book can reduce stress and promote mental well-being.

Enhanced Imagination: Fiction books stimulate the imagination. They transport readers to different worlds, allowing them to visualize characters, places, and scenarios.

Cognitive Stimulation: Reading challenges your brain and keeps it active. It can improve cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and critical thinking.

Empathy and Understanding: Reading about diverse characters and situations can promote empathy and a better understanding of different perspectives and cultures.

Better Writing Skills: Exposure to well-written books can improve your own writing skills by providing examples of effective storytelling and communication.

Entertainment: Books offer a wide range of genres and themes, providing entertainment and enjoyment for readers of all interests.

Negative Effects of Reading Books

Eye Strain: Spending too much time reading, especially on digital devices, can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and discomfort.

Sedentary Lifestyle: Excessive reading, if done in a sedentary manner, can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and associated health problems.

Social Isolation: Spending too much time engrossed in books can lead to social isolation if it interferes with social interactions and relationships.

Escapism: While reading can be a healthy form of escape, excessive escapism through books can lead to neglecting real-life responsibilities and problems.

Misinformation: Not all books are accurate or reliable sources of information. Reading inaccurate or biased material can lead to a misunderstanding of certain topics.

Time Management: Spending too much time reading may lead to neglecting other important activities such as work, chores, and personal relationships.

Addiction: Some individuals may develop addictive behaviors related to reading, which can negatively impact their daily lives.

Overwhelming Choices: The vast number of books available can lead to decision fatigue and anxiety when choosing what to read, potentially diminishing the enjoyment of reading.

The effects of reading books can be positive or negative, depending on how reading is approached and balanced with other aspects of life. Moderation and discernment are key to ensuring that the benefits of reading are maximized while minimizing any potential drawbacks.

Writing can have both positive and negative effects, depending on various factors including the individual’s perspective, purpose, and approach to writing.

Positive Effects of Writing

Self-Expression: Writing allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and creativity. It can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-expression.

Communication: Writing is a fundamental mode of communication, enabling people to share information, ideas, and knowledge effectively across time and distance.

Clarity of Thought: Writing requires clear thinking and organization of ideas. It can help individuals clarify their thoughts and make complex concepts more understandable.

Problem Solving: Writing often involves critical thinking and problem-solving, as individuals must structure arguments, analyze evidence, and draw conclusions.

Catharsis: Writing can serve as a therapeutic outlet, allowing people to process their feelings, cope with stress, and achieve emotional catharsis.

Creativity: Writing encourages creativity, whether through fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction. It allows individuals to explore their imagination and push the boundaries of their creativity.

Learning: Writing is an effective tool for learning and retaining information. Taking notes and summarizing concepts in writing can enhance understanding and memory.

Empowerment: Writing can empower individuals by giving them a platform to voice their opinions, advocate for change, and participate in public discourse.

Negative Effects of Writing

Writer’s Block: Many writers experience writer’s block, a state of mental stagnation where they struggle to generate ideas or put words on paper, causing frustration and anxiety.

Isolation: Writing can be a solitary activity, leading to social isolation if individuals spend excessive time writing alone and neglect their social relationships.

Criticism and Rejection: Writers often face criticism and rejection, which can be emotionally challenging and affect their self-esteem.

Pressure and Deadlines: Professional writers often face tight deadlines and high-pressure situations, which can lead to stress and burnout.

Overthinking: Writers may overthink their work, constantly revising and editing, which can lead to perfectionism and an inability to complete projects.

Plagiarism and Ethical Dilemmas: Some individuals may engage in plagiarism or ethical dilemmas related to writing, which can have serious consequences.

Distraction: With the rise of digital technology, distractions such as social media and the internet can hinder productivity and focus during writing.

Physical Health Issues: Prolonged periods of writing can lead to physical health issues like back pain, eye strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome if proper ergonomics and brakes are not maintained.

Writing can have both positive and negative effects on individuals, depending on their goals, approach, and the context in which they write. It is essential to balance the benefits of writing with potential challenges and take steps to mitigate any negative effects.